Slatter Construction is unique in that we are both a licensed general building contractor and a licensed engineering contractor. It’s a synergy that saves our clients time and money because we’re able to do a much broader range of work without bringing in subcontractors.
The engineering license means that we can build deep foundations and retaining walls, install slide repairs and underground utilities, and do grading. We are also able to work in the public right-of-ways within city & county limits.
For more specialized engineering needs we work with professional local firms. These may include:
- Soils engineers determine what kind of foundation system will best address the soils mix on a specific property
- Civil engineers for general site improvement work such as road building, the installation of septic systems, building site grading, drainage and erosion control
- Structural engineers ensure that the structural components of the building are sound
“It’s always a pleasure to work with Slatter. They’re friendly, competent and don’t cut corners. They are a very professional operation. When Slatter is on a job it makes me much more confident in the outcome of the project.”
Don Tharp
Tharp & Associates Soils Engineers
Helical Technology Earth Anchoring Systems
These cutting edge earth anchoring systems are so effective and cost efficient that Slatter Construction decided to become the sole franchisee in Santa Cruz County. Helical Technology features complete earth-anchoring systems for residential and commercial structures at a much lower installed cost than traditional fabricated or poured-in-place solutions. Placed during new construction, these fast, power-installed helix pier products prevent a wide range of problems brought on by compromised soil conditions.
The Dixie Anchoring System is ideal for:
- Stabilization of existing foundations
- Helix Pier foundations for new construction
- Tiebacks for new and existing walls
Slatter Construction has been certified to install both the ICBO and BOCA approved Dixie Anchoring Systems to repair and stabilize structures which have shifted due to expansive soil, uncompacted fill, collapsible soil and other geologic problems.
For more information please visit: www.earthscrew.com